The current charge of the IACAP administration is to oversee the formation of a democratic professional association to serve computing and philosophy. It is currently developing a charter, formalizing the organization as a non-profit corporation, and determining some initial policies for governance.
International Administration as of Jan 15, 2012 (end of term in parentheses):
President [president@…]
Mariariosaria Taddeo (2016)
Former Presidents
Anthony Beavers
Luciano Floridi
Executive Director [executivedirector@…]
Don Berkich (2018)
Treasurer [treasurer@…]
Mark Waser (2015)
Membership and Promotions Coordinator [promotions@…]
Derek Jones (2016)
Technical Manager [technicalmanager@…]
Don Berkich (2016)
Sig Director for Minds and Machines [mindsandmachines@…]
Paul Bello (2016)
Member at Large
Giuseppe Primiero (2018)