IACAP 2013 Proceedings

Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (Listed by Track)


Minds & Machines


Nabil Abdullah & Richard Frost Senses, Sets and Representation
Susan Anderson & Michael Anderson The Relationship Between Intelligent, Autonomously Functioning Machines and Ethics
Paul Bello Folk Concepts and Cognitive Architecture: How We Believe
Paul Bello Folk Concepts and Cognitive Architecture: Mental Simulation and Dispositionalism About Belief
Don Berkich Blameworthy Bots
Selmer Bringsjord & Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu A Robot That Knows What It’s Like to Live in Fear?
Justin Brody, Michael Cox & Donald Perlis The Processual Self as Cognitive Unifier
Jeff Buechner Not Even Computing Machines Can Follow Rules: Kripke’s Critique of Functionalism
Michael Cox,Michael Maynord, Matt Paisner, Donald Perlis & Tim Oates The Integration of Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes with Data-driven and Knowledge-rich Structures
Morteza Dehghani, Helen Immordino-Yang, Jesse Graham, Stacy Marsella, Kenneth Forbus, Jeremy Ginges, Milind Tambe & Rajiv Maheswaran Computational Models of Moral Perception, Conflict and Elevation
Daniel  Hromada & Ilaria Gaudiello Introduction to Moral Induction Model and its Deployment in Artificial  Agents
Nicholas Jones, George Reed Designing and Implementing a Model for Ethical Decision Making
Ashley Keefner Semantic Pointer Model of Similarity
Michal Klincewicz Unmanned Military Systems, the Frame Problem, and Computer Security
Lillian Liu, Patrick Langley & Benjamin Meadows A Computational Account of Complex Moral Judgement
Bruce MacLennan Cruelty to Robots? The Hard Problem of Robot Suffering
Marjorie Mcshane, Sergei Nirenburg, Bruce Jarrell, George Fantry, David Mallott &  Stephen Beale Mind-, Body- and Emotion-Reading
Steven Meyer Adding Methodological Testing to Naur’s Anti-Formalism
Steve Pearce Detection Theories of Self-Mindreading and the Nature of the Propositional Attitudes
Thomas Powers Prospects for a Smithian Machine
James Reggia, Derek Monner & Jared Sylvester The Computational Explanatory Gap
Jared Sylvester & James Reggia The Neural Executive: Can Gated Attractor Networks Account for Cognitive Control?
Hiroyuki Uchida, Nicholas Cassimatis & J.R Scally Modal reasoning as simulation
Orlin Vakarelov Information Networks are Better for Cognition than Symbolic Dynamics
Roman Yampolskiy Attempts to Attribute Moral Agency to Intelligent Machines are Misguided
William York Reconciling Mechanistic and Non-Mechanistic Explanation in Cognitive Science


Information and Computing Ethics


Markus Christen The Neuroethical Challenges of Brain Simulations
Keith Douglas A Practical Unsolvable Problem? Why Application Security is Hard: Some Ethico-logical Reflections
Tony Doyle CCTV and Public Anonymity
Frances Grodzinsky, Keith Miller & Marty Wolf On Deception and Trust in Artificial Agent Development
Jarek Gryz Privacy as Informational Commodity
Steve Mckinlay Information Ethics and Entropy
Harasi Namztohoto & Daniel Hromada Man, machinery and cryptocoin avarice
Erica Neely Intertwining Identities:  Why There is No Escaping Physical Identity in the Virtual World
MariarosariaTaddeo Just War Theory and Information Warfare
Mark Waser The Bright Red Line of Responsibility
Richard Wilson Ethical Issues of Brain Computer Interfaces
Meghan Winsby Suffering Subroutines: On the Humanity of Making a Computer that Feels Pain


Computing in Philosophy


Jeff Buechner Bach on Default Reasoning and Externalist Epistemic Justification 
Mara Harrell Indicators are Key in Learning Argument Analysis
Brent Kievit-Kylar & Colin Allen Kant be understood? Probing the parameters of semantic models of philosophy
Ioan Muntean The Digital Guesswork: a Philosophical Appraisal of Genetic Algorithms and their Epistemology
Matti Tedre, N. Moisseinen & J. Pajunen Viewpoints from Computing to the Epistemology of Experiments
Roman Yampolskiy Epistemology via Brute Force Computing